You will have to wait for this book until next year (I´m still working on it) , and I thought it could be a good idea to show you a little something. Also I don´t have the time to make and post new skecthes of anything alse, and don´t want this blog to be dead! :)
oh WAW !!! It's beautiful ! I can't wait for the release ! Great job !!
You steel Rocks Enricke!
Miom! these sneak peeks make me wanna see more masta!
The second page is awesome!
Very beautiful. Looking forward to the published book.
Great stuffs!!! WOW!! can't wait for the finish book!
Si pudiera pintar como tú, lo haría...
FA!!! Me encanta. Se venden los libros de Oz y Libertadores en EEUU?
the tiger is really amazing!!!
i can't wait for the tome 3!
very nice. i'll have to buy this book when it comes out.
stunning, enrique!!
please put me on the preorder list
Wow!! I can't wait. I love that tiger.
Me encanta los diseños de los animales, sobre todo ese tigre!!
Veremos el Mago de Oz por España algún día?
Thanks for all the nice comments! Gracias!!:D
Aun no se cuando saldrá Oz publicado fuera de Francia, en principio Glenat ha comprado los derechos para publicarlo en España. Este lunes puede que me digan algo desde Delcourt para los otros paises.
Delightful as ever.
I particularly like the Tin Mans moustache, and the brows on the Lion.
Oz is always a nice subject!
Your interpretation is very beautyful!! very unique style!
for sure you know the claire wendling sketches on oz and there are also pretty illustrations by Lisabeth Zwerger on that story...
very nice animal drawings...i'm really feelin your design work...it would be great if you could post the release date for the book sometime...i'd like to pick it up once it's available...
Hopefully my store will get this book. Nice work.
Absolutely gorgeous!!! O_O I will also wait patiently for this book.
Juer, cada día estilizas más tus diseños. Esos animales están increíbles.
Me gustaría ver qué podrías hacer en una línea aún más radical y abstracta tal vez, porque las proporciones q les has dado a las cabezas de los animales son curiosísimas.
Y exijo un cameo de las ovejas bailando claqué. Qué gracia me hizo tu comentario en el blog de Manu. Tienes un filón ahí. El futuro están en las figuritas para pesebres.
Same as everybody!! :)
Beautiful work man. You are a very talented man. I look forward to holding your book in my hand. Beautiful design and wonderful color.
Chhuy-ing me apoya en lo de las ovjeas, así que ya sabes. XD
No lo conseguirás Atlan, no pienso ser el nuevo "Carmen Sevilla" del comic! ;)
¬¬ Dame tiempo, mi poder de persuasión es infinitvo.
Acercando unas tenacillas a tu muñeco vudú... Dulces sueños
funny, dynamic, beautiful... you are the winner! Are you using Painter for the Magicien? do you still make storyboards?
Hello Rodrigo: yes for Painter, and not by now for storyboards, but who knows...
Solo puedo decir una cosa...
It look so good like always!
Oh man it rocks!
Great work!
A sus pies, amigo Enrique :)
Beautiful Artwork!
Oh my gosh...I just fell out of my seat! Your work is just amazing!!! The color pallet and style is just beautiful.
I can't wait for this book. Please keep us posted. Thank you.
ahí va la osa mayor! mis mas sinceras felicitaciones.
Vuaaaaaaaaaaala neeeeeen, como lo fliiiiiipo. Espero con ansias desmesuradas esta tercera parte. Y que la peña sepa que la segunda parte está dedicada de imprenta a mi persona y a dos hippies mas.
Yo lo amaba antes que vosotros.
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Enhorabuena por tu obra. He estado vistando todo el blog y se nota un gran estudio tanto en el trazo como en el uso del color y la cuidada composicion de paginas e ilustraciones dotadas de un estilo propio e inconfundible. No conocia tu obra hasta hace poco, cosa que me averguenza, lo bello deveria de estar mucho mas accesible en este mundo. Felicidades.
awesome work!!
un muy buen trabajo!
today i got my copy of "OZ" (in germany all 3 collected in one nice book).
i love this book its sooooo nice
Wonderful!!I'm 3 years late, but my friend just lent me the 3rd book and I fell in love.
It's all that it should be.
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