Have a great new year everybody!:D
Here ,some storyboards from the last book of Oz, the volume 3 that is going to be released this week in France. This part of the process is where I find more fun, as it is where it´s decided almost everything after the script, and you can feel you are "creating" something.
Yeah ! It's great to see the beginning of the process, before the colors! Beautiful, and very dynamic !
Hi Enrique!
Great storyboard! Can you post the rest part of the process, please?
Why this title? ;-) Of course you should not be ashamed.
Firstly your works ARE GREAT, and then; you make living of selling your art. The more buzz, the easier your life is, the more you create.
Amazing! Your sketches look greater than the best of my drawings :(
I can´t wait to see the new book.
Edu, esperando el mail de alguien...
Shame? Yes ! But you are not the one who has to feel ashamed ! I can work 2, 3 or 4 month on a comics page and I will never succeed to have such a quality -_-'
But did Mr. Chauvel decide of the different frames or are you totally free to draw the scenes the way you want ?
Anyway I just can not wait to have the book ! Tomorrow: BOOKSHOP :)
Thanks! I´m glad you all like it.
I´m sorry Steve, I will do it some day, not by now. ;)
Vincent, Mr. Chauvel and I have great fun doing the three books. After the script I used to reduce the number of panels, and sometimes making too extreme the points of view of the camera.But the script, I think ,is pretty translated to the page, say a 90%.
Edu, esta semana!:D
Its nice to see you start that ruff
when I see this I really get into the mood doing storytelling images and not just sitting beautys... mhhh
i will think about...
your self-promotion is very motivating
Just ordered my copy from BDNet. Can't wait for it to arrive here in the USA! I love the first two books as well as Liberateurs. Any plans to put out a book of these wonderful roughs? I would buy one in a heartbeat!
Mr. Balistreri, you here! Great surprise! Thanks for buying my books.:D
I hope we (David Chauvel and I) could someday find someone able to publish all the rough stuff. We have tried, and we keep trying, but it´s not easy. Anyway,thanks for coming to give us your support!
Great storyboards enrique!!!
P.S: Joer como cuesta escribir en "pikinglish"
These are fantastic roughs! Your work is beautiful, so it is nice to see the behind the scenes drawings! Thanks for sharing them!
These last pages suck, try surprising us with something new.
Your voodoo nightmare. XD
Gran trabajo, si señor. Y un blog genial. Me pasaré por aquí a menudo....
I like very much the post-production stage of comic's projects too.
These storyboard are very nice, I know the good vibrations everybody feels when he begins "building a vison".
Great work :)
Hi Enrique!
I hope you will post other interesting storyboards. I'am curious to know the process from the storyboard to the concept of basic color in the comic strip table.
Thanks for sharing your artworks.
Muy bueno Enrique. Gracias por compartir con todos estos storyboards, suelen ser las primeras visualizaciones del guión... ¿no? Son muy buenos!
Por cierto, ¿y ahora, tras el Mago de Oz, vacaciones o ya estás trabajando en algo nuevo?
Trabajando Antonio, trabajando!
Y deprisa! Espero poder colgar imágenes pronto.
En cuánto salga el tercero para la cole!! deseoso de ver más cosas tuyas :)
Genial Enrique! No hay muchas palabras más para describir lo que siento al recorrer tu blog, te felicito, tu obra es exelente!
Hace un tiempo atrás un amigo me mostró un libro del Mago de OZ y quedé maravillado, me encantó descubrir tu blog porque en Argentina es dificil conseguir material de Francia y espero ansioso que edites pronto en España. Igualmente me pondré en campaña para conseguir Los Libertadores.
Muchas gracias por compartir todo este material!
Te mando un cordial abrazo desde el otro lado del charco!!
Gracias Enrique!... Todo un placer ver tu trabajo que hace inspirar a muchos otros!
You have really good staff here, i didnt knew of your work from before. I will visit this blog frecuently.
Toma ya!! En tu linea, amigo, en tu linea
Solo leo felicitaciones y alagos, y creo que no es para menos. El trabajo de dibujo, composición, color, puesta en escena, TODO, es muy muy bueno (Me encanta la visión cinematografica que tienes sin tener que perder el estilo propio). Solo tengo una pega (Y me consta que no es culpa tuya) en la edición de Libertadores en español (La de Glenat) estan los tono muy oscuros, pero cuando digo oscuros es muy muy oscuro. Cuesta leer el comic si no tienes una luz muy cerca. Por lo demas, Enrique eres un "mostruo". Esperaremos tus trabajos aqui en españa como hienas.
You are a great artist sir ! Such an inspiration ! keep on working this way ! its marvellous
hola, soy ilustrador y artista, me gustó mucho tu trabajo, me gustaría que visitaras mi portafoliosweb y mi blog
necesito tus comentarios
What can I say, pure genius!!!!!!!!!
Actualiza condenaoooo!
Perdón Don Ocupado, pero hace ya mas de un mes que no cuelgas nada eeeeeeeeeeeeh (esto último con voz de Pacoooooo). A ver si te estiras un poco y enseñas cosas, y a ver si quedamos para comer.
Good beginning ! Nice works.
Enrique, me uno a Carlos con lo de la ansiedad por ver cosas nuevas... y es que creas adicción tío!
Por cierto, he sido tan poco original de ponerte en los Links de mi Blog. Por aquello de acceder rápidamente a tus trabajos... he he he...Saludos!
"Somewhere Over the Raimbow..."
Fantastic!! Thank you for sharing!!
I just want to say that you are a great comics artists and ask wich is the dimensions of the paper you used for this sketched/storyboards? A4, A3?
I am a comic artist too (still not hearn for that... ;-) ). If you like to see some recent sketch here is my Blog Ender's Comics.
I look at your drawings of France, and it's amazing, good and very personnal style !
Great set of panels!
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