Hello everybody! I´m really glad (excited!!) to announce the release today of the "Wizard of OZ" book on USA, published by Image:
This is a design of a character from the second original novel of Baum´s Oz, that I did for a kid´s book, a kind of roleplaying game book.
Happy holidays, my friends!
Te lo mereces campeón, soy capaz de ir a los USA solo para tener la versión yanki.
¡¡¡Feliz Navidad dear friend!!!!
I bought one of the French books but wasn't able to read it. I look forward to getting the whole set through Image.
oh i can't wait to pick up that book! i think your art is awesome by the way
people, buy it!!! its amazing!!!
Congratulations Enrique!
Ya te veo cruzando el charco en plan estrella a firmar ejemplares a los USA!
Bon Nadal!
Thats great news-
I also have the French books and since i enjoyed than so much I will get the english set for sure. Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work
Felicidades Enrique! Me alegro de que también te publiqen por allí. Estos de Image son unos chicos listos. :)
Felices fiestas! A ver qué nos depara el 2007.
Me olvidaba! Me encanta el diseño del Calabaza Jack.
Hey Enrique,
I just picked up a copy, and it is stunning. What a beautiful piece. Everyone should have this book in their library. Really amazing.
Very, very inspiring.
Fantastique en général et pas seulement pour ce dessin
Bientôt une nouvelle bd j'ai cru comprendre ...je l'attend avec impatience
Un grand Merci de nous faire partager tes recherches sur ton blog.
Désolé c'est en français ..j'ai un anglais des plus déplorables et un espagnol égal à celui d'une huitre!
Pues vaya regalazo de navidad,esta noticia que no por merecidadeja de agradar,enhorabuena y a seguir dando caña!!!!!!!
Tienes talento y de eso se van a enterar tambien en Usa ,..enhorabuena y feliz año!
Hace un mes ni me imaginaba que a través de Blogspot podría dejarle un comentario personal a uno de los mejores dibujantes del globo.
Este año conocí tu Mago de Oz y tus dibujos y colores me dejaron sin plabras. Es más, parece que subieron mis estándares de calidad en un tebeo.
Y te lo dice un exigente artista visual. Gracias.
Que tu 2007 sea insuperable, colega.
Just finished the book...fantastic, keep it up.
This character's model sheet is awesome!
Happy holidays to you!
I had not known about this, but did however find out yesterday while during my visit to the comicshop when i purchased the book.
that seriously made my month!
I love your work! I own two of your french OZ books which i can't read, but the drawings tell the story better than an words could. Awesome color palettes and character designs. I can't wait to see more of you work. Thanks for posting.
My friends and I (all animation students) discovered your books while studying in France and I think we bought every one we could find, even locating an Italian copy of El Cid to see your design in action....I've just completed my boyfriend's French Oz set for Christmas and I've got Liberateurs, but now I can't WAIT to snatch up the English versions.... Your artwork is lovely and this announcement really made my New Year. Thanks and keep creating!
Argh! Please, no kiss on no ass on this blog, please! :D
Thanks a lot, muchas gracias to all of you.
And wish you a happy new year!
Checked out this book today, the artwork is great. I especially like how the winged monkeys look.
fantastico...zucche fresche per tutti!!!! happy new year enrique!!!!
Hi Enrique
Just a quick message to tell you how much I appreciate your art. You really inspired me during these past 3 years. You are definetly one of my favorite artists.
Thanks again,
soooo good. I just got the wizard of oz series. I love 'em! I love your color choices as well as you technique. It's painterly yet flat enough in shading to avoid looking tacky
Congrat!! That's awesome!! Will keep an eye on your book at the store!! :)
yeeey ! felicitats ! me lo voy a comprar en ingles tambien :)
Wow, you're one of my greatest inspiration! I'm really happy you have a blog! That way we can follow you, where ever you draw ^.^
Pensaba que ya te había comentado este... bueno, ahora lo hago... Felicidades, de antemano, por esas publicaciones en USA. Image comics, según tengo entendido, tiene una tirada alucinante en este país... molaría ver qué tal es la edición.
Y por otro lado, este "calabaza" es una chulada... cien por cien "Fernández" y eso mola mucho, sin ni siquiera verlo.
Feliz año!
I just finished the Oz book last night, Enrique. Absolutely beautiful interpretation of one of my favorite stories. Your artwork is so great it had me eager to turne every page. Congratulations on a job very well done and I can't wait to see more of your work. Thank you for being such an inspiration!
Great Artwork. I like your style, it look like liquid-paint full with life. Hope for more stuff soon.
OK, man. Image really undercharged offering the OZ comic for 10$. It's worth much, much, more. I told everyone I know to get it and showed it to all my teachers at school. You are a monster artist! Scary good! I love your designs and color sense. Can't wait for all the other Oz books to be illustrated (hint, hint!)
i was hoping you might have a blog!
i picked up the books when i was studying in france and now that im back in the states, i picked it up again! wonderful and fresh style, all in all very awe inspiring.
keep up the good work!
great character and gorgeous color!!
A la conquista de los USA!!
Felicitaciones. Te lo mereces.
Oh man, I'm excited right along with you!!! I love to see new renditions of classic characters. Especially ones as masterful as your sketches!!! Kudos!!!
felicidades ! con esfuerzo y mil de talento se producen creces
enhorabuena ke sigan los exitos y mas
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