Friday, July 08, 2005

Concept Art (2)-Nocturna

These are concept art works I did at the very beginning of the production of the movie "Nocturna" , directed by my friends Victor Maldonado and Adrian García for the Filmax Animation company. See more of this great movie here!:


Anonymous said...

JOOOOOOOER q padasada.
Esto es mejor q la tele.ANIMO ANIMO !!!

Alex DeLarge.

Alva said...

Joer, ya te digo, :o

Mónica Calvo said...

Tu trabajo es una maravilla, me alegro mucho de haber encontrado tu blog, lo pondre en mis links para visitar todos los dias :)
¿Sabes para cuando saldra la peli de Nocturna? Esta parada por alguna razón?

Seth said...

This was lovely, thanks for sharing