Monday, July 18, 2005

Les Libérateurs!

My first album is now ready to arrive to stores in France, published by Paquet! :
This is a rough character research made at the time I was writing the script.


Anonymous said...

Yeaaaaah !
I'm going to buy your book one more time ;)

Iker Paz said...

Eso iba yo a decir, que no se ve en gradne, pero tiene un estilazo de impresión, me encanta el casco, armadura, gorro o lo que sea.

Enrique Fernandez said...

Ups,voy a ver si se arregla colgándolo otra vez...

Anonymous said...

:( Sigue sin abrirse...
Pero ya asusta, ya!

Anonymous said...

Argh, i love your work! I'm a fan of your -amazing- album "Les liberateurs"! :-)

Lee V said...

I'm excited for your album release!